aMAYzing YYF sale

Kommune is awesome, but it’s more of a fun/oldschool yoyo. If words like power and stability are what you’re looking for, you might be disappointed. Although if you wanna jam on a yoyo that feels like you’re playing high end premium metal performance yoyo from the year 2005, then it rocks.

For 10 bucks it’s a steal though, and if you like how it feels to play but wish it was more forgiving, then you know you wanna find a Kapital on the BST.


I’m with you on the nine dragons. Always wanted to try one


Just put in my order for the 5A superstar, two kommunes (so I can half swap them of course!(one willl be a gift for a freind))and a trust ben! I’m excited!


They might still have the old nine dragons drop it’s loud though. I doubt there are many new nine dragon b grades

Also those saying they like the look of a komune get it. It’s a fun throw

They usually find a few Kaliyah every year too.

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I missed the elusive DV888……I’m gutted


Are they doing this multiple days? Like if I order the kommune to make sure i get one and something new tomorrow will it group shipping together?


There is usually a delayed shipping option.

Responsive ones are still available. Pretty easy to switch it to unresponsive. Just pick up a wide bearing and some blue pads

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Snagged a blue kommune! 10 bucks! What a steal. Been wanting to try one for awhile.


It’s every day of the month all month they add a few things if you do back to back orders they usually will honor combining shipping if you send a message

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Ohh neat they dropped the superstar and dv888 they mentioned. I need neither but superstar is great for 5a and super cheap if you want a beater to participate with

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Might get a Superstar for just that reason, but they’re selling out fast.

Feel like Trust Ben is gonna be a Moz. Yoyo looks cool but not a fan of the colorways. Second most likely feels like some sort of Edge to clear out the stock. Would be super stoked for a Moonlight, it looks so clean. If they snuck in some sort of new bimetal Genpop that would be sick. The shape appeals to me even though it’s wide.

A-May-Zing is always exciting. You never know what’ll be next


I’m not sure, I can’t tell which direction the center is going either. I wanted a wider more powerful 888, so I’m stoaked.

That’s what I like about the aMAYzing sale event. They way they find so much stuff.

They did say it would be a unreleased bi metal wider than the super wide. My guess is something completely new, or an extension off of the monster line up like a bi version or something, or just a bi super wide


Great! I threw one in my order just for that reason! :grin:


So for me I’m looking for loopers and small/slim yo-yos. I have a 45 which I bet will show up tomorrow during Fs day and a 444 with that neat hubstack, heist and a pop start Fs version. I still want a lowercase, 44, sprite, maybe a flea and whatever looping junk they happen to have classics would be dope but any of the older loopers would be cool.

I’ll also snag any super cheap mono or plastic to give away at club but I’ll probably wait till mid month to do that.

What’s everyone else hoping for.


I doubt I will see it, but a Shutter Evo at b-grade prices.

I just enjoy the livestreams to watch/listen to during work.


Deadstock Meerkats.

I just saw this thread and i got very excited! I just ordered a daydream, horizon, and a superstar 5A for 5A may! super excited for them to come!