Airport Security

Does anyone know if airport security would confinscate a metal yoyo? ??? thanks

I’m guessing no.

ive seen at lest 5 of these threads. AKA, NO

Searching is a nice feature of this forum. Searching “airport” had these results, plus more:

But no, you shouldn’t have any problems with yoyos and yoyo-related items getting through airport security.

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He’s alive!

Well I6ify took a few metals with him on his trip (Spain.) today and he’s said nothing of them stealing his yoyos so I’m betting no.

Nope I taken metals through the airport

no but I got a look for the matador spikes :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess BBYY TT isnt aloud then :stuck_out_tongue:

No they don’t, I took 9 of mine with me on a trip, they didn’t even bat an eye. Lube and silicone too.

We need some kind of testimonial on the matter.

I used to worry about this all of the time, but I took my case with all of my metal yo-yos through security a bunch of times, and nothing happened. It’s perfectly fine.