AI is Useful For Yoyoers?!

Yesterday, I wanted to try chatgpt so I made a account. I was wondering what all could chatgpt do? All of a sudden as a yoyo nerd I thought, Can AI literally do a tutorial for yoyo tricks? I went up and wrote “How to Land Brentstole?” And Here Is The Screenshot of The Results:

the tutorial is obviously wrong btw
I mean We have got youtube tutorials for these tricks but I was just curious what are y’alls thoughts on this?


AI scares the ■■■■ out of me. Period. It’s not right.


intensely agreed


AI only knows as much as what it’s trained on. Sometimes they reword it or merge multiple sources into one, but it is not new information, only those that already exist somewhere on the internet.

With simpler tricks like Brentstole, yes they can describe it pretty well. However, don’t assume they are always right, or even have the depth of knowledge as people who actually do yoyoing.


As a cyber security engineer and manager trying to hire someone I 100% agree. Now we got to look out for folks cheating on interviews with CHAT GPT…

Also the implications of AI and cyber security are terrifying. Sure maybe we can prevent traditional attack vectors more easily with AI as the good guys but the bad guys can use AI too and the difference there is the bad guys have time and opportunity on there side. Terrifying… I’m also really not down with all the IoT stuff and putting a mic and modem in everything…


This. AI unlike traditional search algorithms lies and makes up facts to fill in unknowns instead of just providing irrelevant information it outright treats said irrelevant info as fact.

The chatgpt response is wrong, which is pretty illustrative of how useful it is (not at all)


Ah, now that I really read it, it is indeed wrong lol

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It looks so confident, right? I suspect the lack of written yoyo tutorials really wrecks it here.


Soon we will have AI generated video tutorials that describe how to land a trapeze using multiple throw hands.


yeah ikr


Place your thumb, thumb, ring finger, extra finger, and thumb into the fifth loop behind the yoyo. Congratulations, you’ve split the atom!


I feel the most useful resource for Yo-yo players is learning from each other. AI only builds on existing works and is still in it’s infancy. It is creating responses to prompts that aren’t quite accurate. When you learn from other throwers there are years of experience that is shared directly and tips learned overtime. I would invest time visiting Yo-Yo clubs, creating a club if there isn’t and driving to the closest contest to gain more useful insights.


As an IT person I hate AI :rofl:

“start with a trapeze” well… that’s not right


Yep, never understood why a refrigerator or dryer need internet access,


Because we wouldn’t let the government openly wiretap us all, but we will apparently pay companies to do it instead.


I saw a video the other day that was kinda scary. In China they are testing an AI headband device on elementary students that keeps track of the kids concentration. Its supposed to keep track of if the student is paying attention or yawning. Just seemed really creepy.

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Im glad AI wasnt in my elementary school :sweat_smile:

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China is 1984

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Yeah it’s super scary. There have been studies in the US with a similar device that is capable of reading your brain synapse and is able to interpret things you’re thinking. Some of the tests were multiple choice questions like, what number you’re thinking of or what color, etc. and it can accurately record what you’re thinking and it even goes as far as being able to interpret simple passwords you’re thinking of in your head. It’s freaking terrifying.