ChatGPT understands yoyoing?

I’ve been messing around with OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI and it seems like it kinda knows what it’s talking about when you ask it about yoyoing. It’s not always accurate, but it can talk about it a bit which I thought was kind of surprising. I thought yoyoing might have been too much of a niche topic for the model to retain after training.


Was reading about this. Fascinating and scary at the same time.

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Duuude ChatGPT is absolutely nuts. I did these a few days ago and forgot to post them.

Sometimes it actually generates surprisingly helpful info…

…and sometimes it’s just flat out wrong. “Catch Land YoYo Wagon” lmaooo


The answer to the question about buying too many yo-yos sounds exactly like something I read here.

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CLYW will forever be know as Catch Land Yoyo Wagon from this point onward.