“Ah! The yoyo police caught me!”

“Ah! The yoyo police caught me! I threw away a yoyo that didn’t work anymore!”


What Yoyo tho?


The yoyo police caught me changing string completely opening the yoyo, they also caught me not changing string in 2 months and I got a warning cause still I don’t care about frontstyle


You know which one :shushing_face::deaf_man:


The yoyo police caught me and threw me into prison for five years because i was not using OT string

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The yoyo police caught me and sentenced me to do 120 spirit bombs because i was throwing with a regular knot on my finger

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The yoyopolice busted me for targeting throws being sold on the BST for less than they should have, and flipping them for profit. The found out I was doing it since all the way back into the yoyonation days. I tried hundred of throws which was a plus, but at what cost (well, technically no monetary cost, I was profiting.)

Not gonna lie, I should have told the people, “hey man, it’s worth more”, but I didn’t. I had a come to Jesus moment and have started shooting straight.

If you are reading this and you saw me buy your yoyo and flip it for profit, I sincerely apologize.

So what was my punishment?

About 2 years ago I bought a fools gold nugget Peak that had been skillfully modded by Jeffrey Pang to accept hubstacks. Before it could get to me, USPS lost it.

Not to mention the hours upon hours I spent over the years, mindlessly searching the BST for specific yoyos I knew I could easily flip.


Dang dude. That peak sounds sweet. To think it’s just stuck under the seat of some broken down mail truck in some rotting dump. I’m sorry Richie. You didn’t deserve that. Man’s gotta eat.


The yo-yo police will never catch me!!! I’m far too intelligent for their feeble attempts at capture to succeed. :grin:


They busted me for trading all my C bearing throws for D bearing throws


the yoyo police caught me and I had to hit a -5.0 hook!!! I hit it though

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Can’t catch what you can’t see……. Word to your Mother.