Added silicone grease to yoyo and now it’s behaving oddly

Basically, my Thing was very slightly starting to lose its snappiness. Not a lot at all, just barely enough to notice. So I figured what the heck I’ll add a little silicone grease to the bearing. But now it’ll do this thing where when I tug up it feels like it slowly catches, loosely winds up a few inches, and then drops back down again. Only seems to happen with lighter throws, if I huck it down it’ll snap back up no problem.

Is this a common occurrence? Maybe I added too much grease and some got on the pads or string? I wiped it all down after but maybe more came out.


Sounds like this maybe?


either the pads has started to break in after you throw it for a few times or just lace a new string to get a better response grip.

Bearings become responsive with grease in them. The thicker the lube the less it can spin