About getting a Recommendation for a yoyo

So many many many many many people do this.
Ex. Which one should I get? A Dv888 or Hectec? Which ones better?

DON’T DO THAT!!! >:(

Ok WHEN you want some recommendation this is what you should post.
Ex. Okay so I want a metal yoyo and I can’t really decide yet. I am targeting the Dv888 and the Hectec, but I am still not sure.

Here are my preferences

Shape: I Prefer sharp but I really don’t care
Weight: 63g~65g
Size: I like it a little under sized yoyo but not too small
Style: I like suiciding and doing a little fast tricks
Yoyo I have: I have a X-convict and thats it
Response: I prefer pads but not O-ring
Color: I really like white but I don’t care too much about it.

Okay Make sure to type something like that
If someone Does the " Which ones better thing"
I am going to going to throw Pliers at them where ever they are >:(
No I’m not going to throw pliers at you but be careful ;D

If you have some recommendation to add or take out from this post please tell me


you doubled

I am going to going to throw

There we go.

and what past yoyos the person had, response, color…

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I realized that Samad made this post I think already. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes he did it’s right here: No Yo-Yo is Better Than the Other - General Yo-Yo - YoYoExpert Forums