A long time ago in the land of red dirt.
Fun facts I learned because I throw a yo-yo. I was attending at yo-yo club meeting yes in the physic department. We were suppose to be discussing what is going on with the yo-yo as it loops. Speed, rotation, torque, coefficient of friction weighty stuff like that. The club was 10 people deep and we would take turns doing tricks and the others would brainstorm out loud and discuss while each person was throwing. With the physic teacher shooting down the wrong topics and say yes to what topics applies.
In the beginning I started throwing fixed axil wooden throws. I was using a Monarch wooden yo-yo made of Ebony wood weighing in at a hefty 98grams. I had been using this particular throw for an extended period of time ( key detail ), was doing high loops eye level in the atrium of the collage. People in the club were talking watching the yo-yo. I had just pulled the loop back and the string snapped at my finger. As I stood looking dumb at the bit of string left on my finger. Some people way smarter than me yelled out tangential acceleration, moment of inertia… then wack right above my right eye. Down to the floor.
The school lore is I was unconscious but that is not true, I was very dizzy but I was aware kinda, I was more worried about the throw, it rolled away very fast and ran into a brick wall taking a chunk out of one side. It was my first yo-yo casualty I sure miss that throw.
When I see people doing loops I laugh inside thinking of this event. I could never do loops correctly again or like I cloud with that throw. Permanent damage I guess. Hope people enjoyed A Yo-yo story.
Great story. I love looping and have been hit in the face once on the top lip with my oak throw (about 58g), but nothing as bad as your experience