A Slow Day At The Shoe Store!

Snowed like mad so the store was slow, perfect time to film some of my favorite tricks, Super Hidemasa Hook combo at the end! haha. I also do that new bind way to much but I love it haha.

YoYos Used: CLYW Custom Painted Terra Cotta Splash Wooly Marmot, Mint Chocolate Chip Gnarwhal, Avalanche, Purple/Pink Sasquatch, Team Edition Gnarwhal, 28s Sasquatch

String Used: Gator Floss

really awesome video, man i better start practicing if i want to get as good as you.

Great video. Loved the slack you incorperated.

+1 for Jack Johnson.

I liked it! I really liked the song too.

I really liked at 1:04, when you had the Lindy Loop, you could have just unwrapped it, but you were all like, “No way, I’ma suicide out of this Lindy Loop because I’M A BOSS AND THAT’S HOW A BOSS HANDLES LINDY LOOPS.”

I would just say (and this is absolutely nothing against you, Brett) but I’ve seen that whip thing around 1:115ish and the hooks a bazillion times. You might like those tricks, and I totally dig that.

REALLY liked the Rock the Baby combo. Thought it was a cute, clever take on a trick that we all just sort of glaze over. Just shows you that even the easiest stuff can be made way more fun!

Overall good stuff, I always like to watch you play.

yeah I know some of the hooks are played out haha but I like doing them, I was hesitant on putting them in there, but it was fun, and I wanted to convey fun, and I had fun so I left it in there hahaha.

Thanks for the kind words, and the rock the baby is inspired by Elepharks vid he did recently.

I saw it and said hey thats cool haha.

yeah, when i saw the rock the baby, i thought “elephark.”

but it was a good video of you just having fun, which are the best videos.

also, thanks again about the HSYY contest. :smiley: i am happy