After the past few days I have seen a lot of people jacking others B/S/Ts, and its now getting irratating to me and others, and MUST stop. I just want to make a little post about this.
I have seen people say yoyos that are for sale are terrible prices or a terrible trade, this and that. Look when you B/S/T you don’t go on threads and say its a horrible price or trade. Thats your opinion. The seller or trader feels that that’s the price that they’re going to sell it for. It may have a sentimental value or how it plays. There is nothing wrong with that. You just don’t go posting that’s a terrible price if your not making an offer. It’s a useless post and people may not want to trade with you.
To sum this up. Don’t jack B/S/T threads. It’s not cool, it’s not right. I hope we can stop these useless posts and have a clean B/S/T.