A Must have under $45?

If you could choose one yo-yo under $45 to be in your collection what would it be? What i that one low cost yo-yo that is a must have?

In my opinion, a New Breed.

new breed is the best yoyojam metal rim in my opinion and boy does it play

New Breed or Atmosphere. :slight_smile:


DM or Speeder.

I’d say a FHZ or a PGM.
They are two great yoyos that are very easy to come by.

this is a tough one but its a tie between my die nasty and fhz



Does that include shipping? if not M1…

*wait they stopped making them"

I would go for a scrumtious…Hitman or New Breed

Hitman, Atmosphere, or a die nasty and a legacy.

A Bully - because that’s what I paid ($45 including shipping, near mint). You didn’t say new. :wink:

Or a Project 1 with KK - ($40 shipped).

Protostar by YoYoFactory… those things are so amazing. They play so awesome.


YYJ Legacy
YYJ Lyn Fury
YYJ Dark Magic (any of the metal rimmed, really)
YYF Counter Attack
YYF Pocket Change
Duncan FHZ

Yeah… the list goes on.

x-convict,hitman, metal zero,dark magic, their all good. 8)

Me personally, i would get a dark magic. I own one right now and they are incredibly smoothe, and if you’ve got the right throw they’ll sleep for a long time. With my dark magic i went from a beginner to an advance player almost right away.

The M1 is 45, don’t miss it.