When It comes to the eXperts, I think an awesome way to announce then is through chat night.
We have one of the other eXperts and come in during Chat Night and announce the eXpert in a dramatic way. If the new eXpert is in there he keeps it secret until the announcer says the name.
Would be nice but I hardly ever go to chat night anymore(I really don’t know if they still have it). But it seems simpler to tell everyone through a post.Later.
Everytime we have a new eXpert, Andre makes a post congratulating him/her. Now, something cool will be if he makes a post announcing the eXpert during Chat night then after chat night, he’ll change the topic and call it: New eXpert announced or something.
It works pretty fine the way it is. As you can see, André is pretty busy PICKING the eXpert, so spending a lot of time arranging chat nights and more complicated announcing won’t speed things up.