888 strings

i do have a drill…only, its in Lexington…

If its such a problem just don’t make string. We won’t mind. We have nice affordable string at our fingertips.

Okay kiddies: M888, be reasonable. Mi, leave it be.


I dont mean to discourage him. Lets say for speculation the following;

G-String takes a minute to make. Costs about 50 cents a string. (Probably less)
Your string takes 10 minutes to make. Costs about 50 cents a string. (Probably less)

Now that makes sense if your string is as good as g-string, but why make it at all? Time is money, but we’re not going to reimburse you for the time. So the logical standpoint would be, make string for yourself only until you have a quiker more manageable way of doing things. Right? Just a tip. Try ways to make it -quicker-. Then you can justify them being 50c a piece by their quality and brag about how quick you make them instead of adding onto the price because of how slow you work :stuck_out_tongue:

Mi, it doesn’t take a minute to make a string, its more like 5-10.

And this is coming from a reputable string maker.

just because you dont have a regular drill like everyone else, doesnt mean that you can charge astronomical prices for a “hand spun” string. No offense, but there is absolutely no difference in your string and power drill spun. I Guarantee it. Sorry, your strings are not practical to make right now, so I recommend either
a) making them just for your self.
b) waiting until you can get a power drill
c) not make them at all.

(and by the way, I dont thing anyone would buy a 100% fishing line string, under any circumstance. And it isnt a good idea to advertise such an obscure string as “perfect” for a 149.00 yoyo. Sorry.)