5A May? What will it look like?

Ms. Mable,

If we post the beginner section of the event, and establish the structure;

Would you be willing to help by adding your Trick a Week Idea into the event?



If we Organize the event, would you like to join in and post your turorials in the Event Thread?

Or even on the main post?


@mable @JeiCheetah I’d like to second Mr Cody’s request. I also like to thank you for the interest and the input that you’ve already put forth. The community had a lot of fun and an impressive amount of participation in February and March, and with your help and the time left to prepare, I think 5a May can be a smashing success as well. Regardless of your decision…thank you for your involvement up till now. :grin::+1::heart:


Yeah, I can do that and try and try and provide help/answer questions for anybody who needs help learning.


I am better at organizing other people out of all those options (if it’s still available)

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Would you like us to edit your weekly video into the weekly post video?

I also really liked how MRM was set up. I think it definitely encouraged more engagement to participate every week and was still beginner friendly!


for 5a may you could throw in some porycon cw’s

I’m absolutely down to do this.
I have two new tutorials planned out but could also help share the other ones that are more beginner friendly / developing fundamentals :slight_smile:


I have a handful of contacts who already reached out about sponsoring or donating prizes so far for 5a may and a list of 10 other brands I’ve intentionally held off contacting for a more mainstream event.

We are working out better guidance this time around for sponsors and prizes to raise the quality of the prize pool. This may mean fewer overall prizes but a higher value per prize. More to come on that front.


This sounds logical to me! Id be in the beginner category I don’t even know what any of these tricks are :sweat_smile:.

Maybe for the advanced players do one really fun/difficult combo at the beginning of the month and everyone that lands it by the end of the month gets a chance at a really sweet prize. And I mean hard hard!

It might be tricky to get advanced players to play along if they think its just a bunch of concepts they already know. Maybe more of them will participate if they just have to get one really hard trick/combo down, and maybe they play along with the weekly stuff too if that has easy stuff to do and like an intermediate trick as well.

Thats if y’all have the bandwidth to do the weekly approach.


So far the concept is;

Beginner Trick Ladder through the Month.

Trick a Week

Free Form/Creative

Still open for discussions.


I think this category opens the door for the advanced players to do tricks that are relevant to their skill level, as well as an opportunity to show the rest of us what is possible with dedication and one million hours of practice!!:smiley:

I’ve started reaching out to potential sponsors and groups for tricks participation or prizes.


Starting the hype 5A. Let’s get it going friends.


Will 5A may have any responsive 5A or is it all gonna be unresponsive? Just curious. I know we capped fixed axle February with a fixie 5A but wasn’t sure if we had anything planned for 5A may


I dont think we need to define it.


So what would be a good choice for unresponsive 5a throw? I have the 5a Freehand AL and that seems a likely candidate. I guess I mean, what sort of characteristics make for a good choice?


The one you don’t mind dropping :blush:.
If a yoyo has a Ding on it already from play its a 5A player in my collection.


You realize this is put on by the Yoyo Boomer Club???

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