5a Beginner

I’m thinking about 5a yoyoing anything I should know (my counterweight is going to be a d6 with a hole drilled through) Any help at all is greatly appreciated


Sorry for the quotes.
If you want to start yo-yoing for 5a, these are the best places to start. I think they are perfect for you because of their low price and wide range.

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I just want to recommend 2017 us national 5a champion josh yee’s 5a essentials series. I like that the videos are concept based vs just learn these trick.


Keep the string on the shorter side. Like around the same length you would use for responsive play. It helps with control, especially in the beginning.

As far as which yoyo to use, go with something you’re comfortable with for 1A and not afraid to get messed up. It doesn’t matter that much, but wider is easier to catch. I like the Duncan Roadrunner. It’s wide, agile, stable, and was cheap so I don’t care about dinging it.

Play outside if you can and get used to letting go of it and just have fun with it!


Can a normal 1a yoyo be used for 5a play with just a counterweight added?


Yes. I am trying to learn with a plastic fulvia. It can take a beating, it spins for days and is relatively stable.

Feel free to try with any regular 1A yoyo. I would say just avoid the organics.


Yea it doesn’t matter. It takes some experimenting to figure out what you like but anything will work. I’ve at least tried it on most of my collection and none of them were bad.

I started learning on a First Base because plastic is safer but then switched to the Roadrunner for better spin times. I still use both though, depending on my mood. Some people prefer heavier yoyos, some lighter. It’s all preference really.

Ideally, you’ll want something with a wider gap while you’re learning to hit tricks easier and something with decent spin time so you can keep going while figuring stuff out.

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These are REALLY good and helped me get started.

Also prepare for your knuckles to hurt a lot!!