Using 1A for 5A

Hello, just a quick question here. Can 1A yo-yos be used for 5A simply by attaching a counterweight to them? or is that not the best of ideas.


Yes. Very much yes. In fact if your just starting out don’t buy another yo-yo just for 5a. Unless you want to upgrade your 1a yoyo than you can.


Pretty much any yo-yo can be used for 5A as long as it has a counterweight attached to it. Some have qualities that make them better for 5A such as being wider, more stable, and so on.


yep also i recommend a plastic yoyo when starting out because chances are pretty good you will ding a metal yoyo… so maybe dont use your favorite yoyo:)


Awesome, thank ya’ll for the answer, I’ve been eyeing out a couple of yoyos that said 1A and I wasn’t quite sure


When I started I got 2 of the same cheap model. One for 1a. One to eat ground, err I mean 5a😎.


Ain’t that the truth, my poor Duncan freehand is quite aquatinted with the floor as I attempted the bee sting.

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The sooner you accept this, the easier it is to learn 5a. Embrace it!!!

Good choice Sir. But yes any yo-yo can be thrown 5A. Just saying


Anyone have recommendations for a counterweight? I’m thinking of using my wedge for 5a

any of the Duncan ones are good. (except maybe the two piece one) both the ultra weight by yotricks and the rain city skills counter weights are good because they reduce string tension but are a bit of money for the budget minded player :grin:

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There is no difference between a 1a yoyo and a 5a yoyo. Attaching a counterweight is what makes it 5a. There are certain yoyos that you might not want to use for 5a, like bi metals. That’s because you are more likely to drop a yoyo if it’s not attached to your hand. Good luck on your 5a journey!