Hello hello! I need some recommendations for a good counterweight yoyo. If you make a recommendation, please say why it’s a good yoyo. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Pretty much any 1A yoyo will do just fine for 5A. Personally I only play 5A w/ plastics but that’s because I’m not very good at 5A and don’t want to smash up my metals
Most yoyos will work for counterweight play. There are a few things to keep in mind, how much you want to spend, and the weight and size of the yoyos that you like.
Cheap: Protostar (fullsize), Northstar (fullsize), Zen 5 (look up the specs on yoyoexpert).
More Expensive: Supernova (heavy or lite), Spyy Pure (designed for jonrob, you would have to trade for one), Severe 2010, Genesis (Miggys yoyo, aka us national champ in 5a), Yuuksta (unsized genesis, very good and $20 cheaper than genesis)
There is a lot out there these are just the ones that I could think of
hi! which plastics do you use??
Thanks friend, i’ll look at them.
FHZ, FH2, Die Nasty, Protostar (not very often), and Kickside. Those are mostly the ones I use for 5A.
I only use kicksides, fhreehand zeroes, genesis and superstars

Pretty much any 1A yoyo will do just fine for 5A. Personally I only play 5A w/ plastics but that’s because I’m not very good at 5A and don’t want to smash up my metals
Perfect example was 2 nights ago, my mom was grilling outside, and I was throwing 5A w/ my Gorylla. Needless to say, I had no idea how much aluminum can bounce.
You guys Rock! Thx for the tips!!!