4️⃣🅰️ Everyday — (former 4️⃣🅰️ Offtober 2023)

As I have and will continue to state…I can not do ANY of this. And my yo-yo skills in general are juvenile at best compared to most here. So I have no advice to give here. What I may suggest though is post a video of your attempts as there may be something that someone will pick up on that will help.


Good call! I spent my lunch break grinding it out and while it’s not even close to consistent I learned a few things. The slack matters and whatever you can do to minimize that/extra string that has to go through the gap the less likely it is to snag. Keeping the throw hand string and non throw hand string apart on the opposite side recapture also seemed to help but if you go too far or long it will cause some pretty strong tilt. Additionally, keeping the leg up and immediately going for the opposite side orbit/recapture seemed to help with both snags and tilt. I think shorter string would have made this a lot easier so I didn’t have to send the yoyo so far out to the sides. But here’s my best shot so far and I’m decently happy with it but it’s like 5-10% consistent at best :joy:


A new one arm release element I’ve been experimenting with this afternoon! Super excited to see where I can go with this!


i just make sure it pops UP on the leg racaptures. i actually find it more consistent then a normal throw hand recapture cause like idk, when i pop it up it just auto goes in the right place, like its probably my least missed recapture in the many attempts my recapture combo had


Great point! I think the challenging part for me is the timing for it to go straight up but I’m getting there :sweat_smile: The other thing too is that when I have it go straight up, sometimes it gets too much string in the gap and then when I go back around the other side it snags so I’m trying to go a bit more diagonal so that I catch it a bit more to the side to control how much string there is. That’s been helping with snags but subsequently makes it harder to land lol. Might need to also just shorten my string and see how that helps because it’s comically long for tricks like this I’m coming to realize :joy:


Experimenting with shorter string and some more single arm release stuff behind the bac!. Super hyped throwing to my favorite rock band Styx on this one :guitar:


First 4A full spin catch combo! Not sure how y’all 4A players do so many spin tricks without getting dizzy but I’m pretty happy with how this turned out even though the spin could have been a bit more…graceful :joy:


Orbit pass combo I thought up this morning! Keeping balance that whole time is harder than I thought but pretty happy with where this one is at so far!


You’re doing all of that with such confidence now. It even shows on your face. :grin::+1:

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m definitely feeling better with my 4A abilities that’s for sure, but consistency is still really challenging. I think that’s what I’m going to need to work on as I prep to compete this year


Working on showmanship with a couple new elements: horizontal boings and hook. Hope you like it! What stuff are y’all working on? I’m keen to see the next episode in your soloham journey @Bendy!


kinda jsut tryna get my chopsticks combo and everything else more consistent


4A Kiss




happy with this one

Tryna figure out those leg bounces too and seems hard to control


Nicely done! Loving the 360 catch and bind!

Here’s a backburner leg variation with a cool bind I thought up yesterday!


anyone got tips for leg bounces? seems so hard to control

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I’m used to 4a now, but I’m starting to get those in 5a. Here’s the remnants of one:

And here’s a cut from horizontal:


For me it is the other way around. I remember when I learned 5A slingshots all my knuckles looked like this. And butterfly reverse is also a good one to hurt yourself while practicing. yeah no pain no gain :joy:


wanted to give horizontal offstring a go

Catch and bind but dont really know any zontal tricks or what else to do lmao don’t angle check me either lmaooooo