4️⃣🅰️ Everyday — (former 4️⃣🅰️ Offtober 2023)

How would a person DM multiple people at once? Is that something that can be done?

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@Slestak75 if you create a new DM from the little letter icon on your profile, you can search for users and add multiple users there to create a group DM. Hope that helps!

In the mean time, here’s some 4A stuff I’ve been working on with the Japan Technology Ciel I got in last night, hope y’all enjoy it!


random update time


That just zipped and looked so controlled.

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One more from today! Alternating boings and rejection whip grind

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So the rejection whips are when it looks like it almost jumps away from the string it’s on??

Yes, a rejection is when you move the yoyo slightly out of plane to get the string to “reject” out of the yoyo. In offstring, you still have to pull the yoyo up while doing it.


So many things to learn. I’ve seen a few of these done. They do indeed look super cool. Usually they seem to be buried in the middle of many other complex things. At this point I’m more of a one trick at a time kinda guy. :sweat_smile:
Is there a fairly simple rejection that could act as a somewhat stand-alone trick?
Edit: I apologize, I realize I’m asking on a 4a thread and I’m still tethered. I don’t know if I’ll ever go beyond a more 1a approach.

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Bachand rejection: roll over to the outside of your NTH from a trapeze, then pull backwards and the yoyo pops out

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Basic arm combo I’ve been working on! Pretty happy with it so far


Sunday 4A experiments!


That new yo-yo seems like it Styx on the return a little bit…:rofl:

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Indeed it does! You might think I have too much time on my hands making all these videos, but if you just had a crystal ball you’d see it’s all a grand illusion and you were just foolin yourself :rofl:

Well Domo Arigato to you too Kilroy!

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If you’ve never listened to As Bad as This on The Serpent is Rising. I highly recommend it. Most especially the last part of it. :wink::+1:

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I have not, I’ll go check that out! Thanks for the suggestion! If you have other suggestions as well I’m all ears! I’m considering using Styx music for competitions this year and would love to have some alternatives to look through as well :grin:

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Don’t know if you’ll want that particular one. It’s more for your entertainment. It’s 6 minutes long and the last 2:30 is life changing.

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Yeah you got me pretty good on that one :joy: did not see that coming! I did a few double takes and switched to a different recording just to make sure I heard that right lol

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Thursday comp practice! How’s everything going for y’all? Any breakthroughs on soloham @Bendy?