4️⃣🅰️ Everyday — (former 4️⃣🅰️ Offtober 2023)

It is exactly what you describe imo. :100:
Only reason to have smaller/faster pops is style which varies from player to player and trick to trick. I think it is a very simple advice but very effective if you starting out.


Great points, thank you! I’m going to start trying that, especially on the tricks that are less consistent for me. I think what I’ve noticed from trying to pop the yoyo higher on some tricks like the leg orbit combo or the behind the back stuff is that it showcases a bigger technique issue I have. I’ve noticed that when I pop the yoyo higher it’s more difficult for me to keep the yoyo in the same general area, as you may have seen when I went to the behind the back stuff and chased the yoyo in the air across the room to catch it. Any tips on controlling the area the yoyo is in when doing those hops, especially in bigger tricks like that?


For a straight pop I try that the yoyo is in the middle of the string and pull they ends of the string equally.
For catches I try that they are always close to a hand.


Yet again a stride is made in this thread that all following and looking on years from now will be able to see you apply this in your videos and have documented footage of this journey. I can’t wait to see the application of this myself. Now quit fooling around and chop to it!! :rofl::rofl:


random update: learned my first little chopsticks combo im happy with

Also got the yips on binding which im pretty sure might be a bearing / bad form issue


Updates to my hop and whip combo! Thanks to @Kray for the tips that helped me figure out a more reliable way to land whips which has been super helpful!


Your progress and style development was way faster than mine was! Happy I could help! Good job and happy throwing!


Forgot to post here lol;

Episode 3 of learning soloham:

REALLY happy with the progress in this. In the first two i kinda understood and had an idea of what to do, but this one was fully blind and just figuring it out as i went. I also realised after footage review that im not bouncing it near high enough so thats something i can imediately progress on!

And a next day update:


I absolutely agree with @Kray it’s quite obvious in your performance that those varying heights are there. You can tell it was done with purpose and you could really see how it not only helped with landing but also with giving the follow through more authority going into the next trick. That looked really amazing. I know that I’ve thought it before, but I’m not sure if I’ve said. You have a showmanship to your style. Really viewing your routine more as a performance than just having fun throwing a yo-yo around and that really comes out in your routine. If I were paying money to go and see this as a show…I would not be disappointed with the money I had spent. :grin::+1:


I can NOT do any of what you are doing, and I’m sure you have looked at instructional videos and that sort of thing. So I am in no way coming across here as someone who knows what they’re talking about. If I am mistaken, I apologize, but when I’m watching you, it just “looks” like the setup could use a little more slack. It looks like (from a sheerly physics aspect) that a little more slack would provide the room needed for both yo-yos to move freely. Again. I really don’t “know”. This is only how it looks to me as an observer. It has been fun seeing all of the progress that’s being made here for the world to see. Thanks for your time and efforts in documenting this.

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Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement @Kray and @Slestak75! I’ve been working hard on the style and showmanship so I’m really glad to hear that it’s noticeable and that y’all enjoy it! I’m working towards competing in 4A this year for the first time and this is awesome feedback!

Also @Bendy that is absolutely insane progress on soloham! I love the documentary style videos you’ve been doing for your journey. And you even got the rolls started, it was awesome! Can’t wait to see you keep pushing for soloham!

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yea i think im goin a little fast too

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I feel like a bit more slack would slow things down a bit. Once the yo-yo leaves the first string it would have more travel time before getting to the other side. This would slow the whole process slightly. I don’t think it’s so much that you are the one moving fast as much as the process is moving fast. I hope that makes sense and doesn’t come across as being negative.


Hello There, Everyone. I’m Beginner Of 4A.
My Favorite Player Is Ben conde And Takumi Yasumoto.
Nice to meet you!


Welcome! We’re happy to have you join in the offstring journey with us!


Learning soloham episode 4: better rolls and seperation

I feel like I progressed so much in this one!!! So close!!!


Let’s go! You’re definitely making some solid progress and even nailed the bind at the end! You love to see it :sunglasses:


idk about nailed the bind but we’re SO close


You are hammering that right on out. It’s so enjoyable to see your excitement when overcoming a hurdle. Keep up the hard work and thanks again for sharing.


Any tips on landing leg recaptures like the first combo in Ian’s freestyle here? I can get the first catch maybe 70% of the time, but going back the other way around the same leg it will snag, tilt a ton, or when I do successfully get it off the string it will fly away. Would love to start implementing this into combos and updating some leg orbit combos but I’m at a loss on avoiding the snags. Thoughts?