3YO3 Al5: Coming Soon!!!

Ok that makes sense thanks.

I’d love to see spiral satin on a production yoyo and maybe polished hubs. The different textures between catch zone and hubs is a cool look. Oxy and BrokenYoYos did this nicely with blast/polish in the past.


$90 is budget friendly, especially compared to most of the YYF and others being over 85 generally, and made in China, Whereas Landon is local, nationally speaking. That, and all of Landon’s throws are beast…I have played a few, so a metal from him would be awesome to buy/try.

Brown with champagne hubs

Light blue with white blast

This may not be possible, but could you collab with other companies to get their finishes or anodizations? Examples: General-yo beadblast, ILYY CandyBlast, One Drop Pyramatte.

Purple, with gold rims. And maybe Gold hub area.

yeah you could do what g squared did (i think) and have a bead blast and then a pyromat because that is an awesome finish

Bead Blasted Kill Bill color (Black with Yellow splash)

you forgot to say MonkeyFingR ano :wink:

I’m not exactly knowledgable in this field. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, though.

can you put an option for custom engravings

Ok, here is my plan. Since this is a budget yoyo, why don’t we stick to a tight budget?

I ,for one, would still buy it if:

  1. It comes with no bearing;I have my own
  2. It doesn’t need Ano, keep it raw to save cost. Maybe blasted.
  3. No string, no problem

So what are your thoughts? I know it’s a stupid idea, but please take it into consideration.

Stupid. Not everyone has a spare bearing.

Clear. There are simply not enough clear anno yoyos out there.
Or a classy solid black.

Definitely a bead blast.

Personally I don’t like when manufacturers release raw yoyos (with the exception of titanium). It just feels like the yoyo isn’t done.

I can see what your thought process is on this but if you nix the string and the bearing you are essentially limiting this to players who already have a collection. This could be a first metal for some and without a bearing or string it would be a no go for those same people. As for the ano, a simple ano job is a must to keep the aluminum for corroding on its own. Now if you want to keep the ano costs low, do a clear ano to seal and protect without adding any color.

I wouldn’t call your idea stupid. I would say it may be a good idea to offer it as an option for those budget conscious players who may already have a spare bearing and string.

I guess 3yo3 could sell it as a seperate option, just like you said. I for one, have the extra parts. I’m sure most other people spending 90 dollars on a yoyo also do. Clear ano sounds good to me.

I’d really like to see that. just the raw halves, maybe an axle. I can tell from experience, if he sold it through his website, it could get below 50 and he could make a profit. I’d be sort of satisfying to assemble the yoyo and set it up how you like from the start.

I think Having an option that is clear ano an maybe blasted could be nice to save some money. As far as bearing and string, I believe you can buy both in bulk for pretty cheap, so it wouldn’t save that much money, and also many people don’t have extra bearings an string lying around.