Dat black with teal speckles and lime speckles tho…
Great colors
Joe no gold? I thought for sure I’d see some gold in there somewhere.
Red with gold splash and clear speckle had to throw gold in of course.
I had you pegged for a “blinded by the light” gold. Hurts to look at if you will.
I love the look of the yoyos, but the name “2sickyoyos” makes me cringe badly.
I didn’t want to do solid gold on them because I did gold on the protos so wanted to keep the rarity of them so none of the solid colors are on the 6061. The blue and clear 7075 are probably gonna have about half of them two tone.
As far as the name, I tend to like it. It’s a nice modern name that clicks with a younger crowd. Brand name is one of the hardest things to decide on but I feel like that one was the best for what I was targeting.
Here is the backstory on the name!
When I was deciding to make this a reality and actually make more gambits I wasn’t initially doing it on my own. I was going to go on on this with a partner. We were brainstorming names and he said sick yoyos? We didn’t really like it because it just didn’t flow right. A few days later I was sitting and an epiphany. How about 2sickyoyos?!?!?! He liked it and so did I. The reason behind the 2 being that there were two of us. Also the double entandra(?) of 2sick and too sick. Too sick being like a slang for something that is awesome. So yea that is kinda the reason behind the name
Update! I am going to be receiving Gambits soon and will begin to assemble and hand test them all. I just wanted to keep you all updated. I also wanted to make this an even more desirable yoyo because I am going to be dropping the retail price I was previously going to do. I believe this is a very good yoyo and have gotten appropriate feedback to agree with that statement.
These are the prices:
1 of 10 colorway (6061): $80 plus shipping
1 of 5 colorway (6061): $90 plus shipping
7075: $90 plus shipping
There will be more updates when I get them and will let you guys know when they are ready for direct purchase
That’s a really good price for a 7075 yoyo.
Where are they going to be able to be purchased at?
These will be able to purchased direct from me: Either through the forums here or through the 2sick facebook page. When I get them later this week I will post pictures and updates!
I really like the blue with pink splash and the one to its right. I’d love to get one of these (the blue and pink splash is top of my list though) I look forward to their release!
Agreed, it’s an absolutely stunning colourway.
Final Gambit colorway! They are on their way back so I will have them ready as soon as I can! Let me know what you think
I like it, it looks nice and electric.
For the majority of the splash colorways, I would’ve preferred a more “splattered” look instead of the thin clean lines, like more of the splash colors more concentrated and thicker, similar to how CLYW did the Pekka edition. But theses speckles are hands down the best I’ve ever seen. Who is doing your ano?
I think they look awesome. Sign me up
Can’t really control how the splash comes out. I personally like the look of it while others may have rather had thicker splashes. I would rather this then having a splash pattern that isn’t uniform and has a glob of splash on one side and none on the other. I’m glad you like them and all the comments are very appreciated.
Reported to mods for inappropriate content. You can’t just go around posting porn like that on a family forum…
Biggest laugh I had in a while Gambit! Your quite funny mate.
Looks nice, but I’m digging that blue with link splash more. Although this is a close second.