
Werrd yoyos are coming to yoyoexpert at the end of the month tell me what you think about this ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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I’m really stoked to see that YYE is expanding like this.


I hope they recieve Pacs’. Those are awesome.

I am going to try to get one of them.


Gee, that’s weird ;D

if they get minutes get one trust me they are amazing

Such an epic move on Andre’s part.

I wanna see some more YYR’s and other companies come to yye.

Give him time.

this is freaking awesome news.

i want a werrd poop;)and a split decision. ;D

AI’m really excited. I’m gonna pick up a pac when i sell somma my throws, and then a poop. (cause its the sh*t)

its poo… not poop ;D

I’m excited for Werrd stuff to be hitting YYE, the new stuff is awesome!

Are the Split Decisions coming? And will we be able to by extra SD rims?

Well what do you know, Werrd happens to be another company!

Plan on getting a pair of Split Decision POM’s. I was going to get them at worlds but alas, they did not arrive on time.

Werrd yoyos rock, i wanted to order from another site, but had no $$$

yay! yoyos with [shadow=red,left]4 BEARINGS[/shadow]

Do you know the spec of Minutes??
If so, please tell me.