2April 2024 a looping Event

Okay thoughts on this as a way to draw winners then I’m just enter details into an app

I’m even happy to screen capture as I run the results so yall know it’s one and done and not me dinking around or I can pass it to someone else to login and hit draw.

My original idea was to have folks pick numbers like Connor, Jake, zooks, etc from the community and record myself randomizing the entries and using the randomly chosen numbers as a seed for each drawing but that’s complicated and I get it could be biased.


We could ask Jake to do it but it won’t be done till next week if we do that.

I could do a live on the YYBC yt account tomorrow and then it can be rewatched.

Whatever you guys think is fair I’m game to do.

Only thing I’m getting out of this is doing cool stuff with cool people and hopefully spreading the love of a somewhat less participated in style.


I have had no issue with how things have been done. I think most people would rather you go ahead and hit that button and announce the winners. I’d say that if someone took issue with the process…now would be the time to put forth your recommendation. Suggestions have been made, all of which sound about as fair as can be. Changing the process takes time that Brandon is volunteering to make things fun for everyone. I, for one, have no desire to ask him to sacrifice even more if his time researching and implementing new procedures. But alas, I am only along for the ride here.


I agree.

I’ve been following and trying to participate since Feb., and I’ve seen people surprised when they win, as well as one giving up their prize to give another the opportunity to win.

I know that the guys at the YYBC volunteer their free time for the community. I believe that they have been running their events with minimal hiccups while keeping the community happy.


I say the good Captain plays. The Captain playyyys!
(said theatrically while shaking a fist toward the sky)


I’ve never met @Captrogers in real life, but we’ve had plenty of interactions on multiple platforms, enough where I feel confident to say, I would trust him with my life. I’m pretty sure he is one of the most honest trustworthy people in the community.

And if it wasn’t for him, none of these events would have even happened. He is, literally, the backbone of the yybc and one of the most generous dudes I “know”.

I say play on Cap!

None of this is that serious


Anyone that has even had limited interactions with @Captrogers knows that he is just organizing this event for fun, to spread the love of yoyo to kids and families of all skill levels. He’s the last person that would do anything to mar the integrity of any contest, whether he organized it or not.

Dispensing with the 3rd person tense—Captain, thanks for organizing this, loaning yo-yos to my son just so he could participate, organizing the meet ups every month, and always having time for both me and Canaan anytime we have questions about the world of yo. Canaan probably wouldn’t still be yoyo-ing if you hadn’t taken the initiative to start meet ups and encourage to try out different styles like 2a.


Okay I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this. Congrats to the winners.

Username entries Prize #
@Colerbird 4 Prize 1
@Unkn0wn5 2 Prize 2
@Trycatchthrow 4 Prize 3
@spin-clicker 2 Prize 4
@SchmilK 1 Prize 5
@theendofcake 3 Prize 6
@Fun_Dad69 3 Prize 7
@towablemango 1 Prize 8
@HappyYoyoer 3 Prize 9
@Rach_G 2 Prize 10

Public results for drawing so anyone can see what was done
Random Picker Record: 2april (835764)

recording of drawing process so y’all can audit me and call out any inconsistency

Thank you again to our Sponsors, Volunteers, Guests and the YYBC

Prizes probably won’t ship until mid-next week need to get packing material and won’t be home for the weekend to do that.

ohh yeah please message me with your shipping details if you won.


info on 3rd party app used to randomly pick winners
How RandomPicker works


Nice, a lot of cool stuff coming to y’all, congratulations to all the winners!


Tysm!!! I can’t believe I wonnnnnnn!!! Congrats to the other winners!!! :raised_hands::partying_face::tada:

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I also haven’t forgot @Joe77 who won the loop off and I’ll be sending his out with everyone else’s next week. easier for me to bulk pack and ship than one off

also @Colerbird I’ll add something to yours for coming in second and pushing the loop off to the next level. it was pretty neat.

I also still need to send my 50 dollar donation based on 25 participants to https://autisticadvocacy.org/ which I’m looking into if my company does a match before I send it if not I’ll send it mid next week and show proof here.

Congrats y’all!

What a crazy set of prizes! Im gonna train for 2April 2025 starting now :rofl:.


After all that drama @Captrogers won nothing?

I demand a recount.


Also thanks!

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lol I’m the luckiest person if luck is measured in consistency. Also I would have to make like a whole new project and reupload everything to do a recount that like way more work than I’m willing to do :wink:


Well shoot. Now I feel bad for raising an issue. I didn’t mean anything personal by it. :heart:


It’s alright I get it. I’m just a guy on the internet and trust but verify. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel cheated or like they are being treated unfairly


Heck yeah!!! Thank you to all the sponsors and especially YoYoBoomerClub for setting up the greatest 2024 year in yoyo ever!!


Whats today… oh its may 9! Oh that means im “a little late”. Oh well, maybe I can start rn. Oh, its may… 5a may? That doesnt make any sense either… maybe there will be a 1a winter that i can participate in :triumph:

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lol i wasn’t hiding the thread i promise.

I would love to do something 1A in the winter but i think after may we are gonna let contest season shine and take a break. There’s enough yoyo fun in june and july with nats and worlds.