2April 2024 a looping Event

I’m on the edge of my seat

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OMG I totally forgot about this!


Sorry guys I’ve been super busy. ill post the entry list so yall can double check me tonight and then ill draw the prizes tomorrow.

Sorry terrible migraine and early morning so ill get the list posted in the AM


I am on the edge of my seat

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JK take your time!

entries are listed. ill get the drawings done ASAP.

if yall see a mistake let me know.

not the winners just the list of entries


I believe I earned 4 entries…

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Oh I submitted two entries, two one handed tricks and a regular two handed trick!

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this is why i posted the list. figure ill give people a moment to check my work :slight_smile:

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Not to be “that guy” but since you’re the one organizing this and conducting the drawing, shouldn’t you recuse yourself from the list of potential winners?

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I was planning to use random numbers chosen by folks who didn’t participate and randomize the list each time and screen capture that but if that’s not enough I can take myself off the list i guess. I’ll yield to whatever folks think is best.

I’ve also been entered in every YYBC event so far and been part of organizing each one and not won anything so far.


Sorry, clarified that for you.

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I am having a rough evening and can’t think to put gtogether a list of the reasons why I am fine with @Captrogers participating. But there are a number of them.


I’m not saying you WOULD do anything fishy, I was just saying there is potential for it. I’m not telling anyone what to do or how to do it, this is your event.


More like fun killer dad… :roll_eyes:

If thats the worry we can just let someone else do the randomized drawing lol. That way the captn can participate too, he deserves it.

I dont mind myself there is always an honor system with these things, but since someone does in sure there is a way to play it safe.

Do we know anyone not in the list that wouldn’t mind doing the deed?


I am fine with @Captrogers participating :smiley:


I get the concern I had a fun idea but I can come up with something more equitable (and less creative) instead.

Might not be done by tonight we will see.

I would hope I have some trust the prizes are all sitting in my closet waiting to be shipped at this point.

Actually speaking of all there is one vendor that never sent me shipping info and haven’t responded to me at all. I won’t put them on blast here but I’ll try to make up the difference myself in that front


Same here


@Captrogers shall stay on the list!

At least I think it’s still fair game even if he’s participating!