2April 2024 a looping Event

Connor Scholten coming in with a quick last minute reminder theres still 12 hours to hop in


1 inside loops
2 outside/inside loops
3 2H around the world
4 leg wrap/stall/loop combo repeater (my bad attempt for a creative trick, I don’t know if this counts or not :sweat_smile:)

Here’s my submission! Some of the prizes look sick! Good luck to everyone! See y’all in 5A may :wink:


Attempts were made :smile:

1 handed and 2 handed: around the world and inside loops


My meager submission one handed. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::flushed::raised_back_of_hand:


Loops hop the fence flips around the world shoot the moon 2h loops 2h atw 2h hops /milk the cow loops vs shoot the moon sword and shield cattle crossing butterfly butterfly wrap 2h schway atw weave 3 beat atw 3 beat atw w spin warp drive time warp 3leaf clover 2h 3leaf clover 2h dogbite stall 2h shoot the moon

I think we are missing a video?

We are definitely missing a video here. Do you need assistance posting?

Haha no I’m good. I saw someone else just list all the 2a tricks they know, so I just did the same thing. Sorry for confusion


About 4 hours left for 2April. If you got some loops now’s the time to throw them. I got to get mine in too

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Always part of the last minute crew. Still like an hour to go.

A few 1 handed inside outside and Gemini for an entry.
Around the world 2H for a second entry along with not enough synchronous nor async 2h loops to count but that’s fine
A fun few creative attempts maybe a creative entry idk. I should have just done some poi with em lol


Drats! I thought we had till tomorrow night. I was going to do a last minute around the world push lol. :expressionless:

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Last minute crew represent! :laughing:

I suck at looping. But I’ve been wanting to try kendama for a while now, so I gotta enter!

Here’s a few inside loops and outside loops for one entry please!


Go for a few 1 handed loops just to enter. 2A can totally be a grind

So far did a quick tired count and 25 participated in the main looping event I’ll have to check out who was in the loop off and count those too. That 50 donation from me and another from Keith to ASAN. Not bad folks. Still like half an hour or so to make me shell out more than a nice monometal in value. This could be my firecracker money but it’s going to a good cause.


I will take care of the donation today. Thanks to everyone who participated!


I have made the donation with a match from my employer. Thanks again to everyone who participated!


Need to pay my mortgage before I send the donation also shifting focus to getting 5A may stuff launched so winners probably won’t be announced till closer to the 6th. My 6-year anniversary with my wife is Cinco de mayo and I will be busy this weekend.


I just want to say I think it’s awesome how many donations have been made! Thank you all!


Is there a winners list?

Winners haven’t been announced yet. I read Capt saying something was keeping him busy and it would be more like the 6th before winners are picked. I could be wrong on the date but I know it was going to be a minute. :wink:


Any update on winners?

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