2April 2024 a looping Event

Still need contact info for @TryCatchThrow @spin-clicker @theendofcake @Fun_Dad69

I probably had some of your addresses but those are buried deep in my inbox.

Yaaaaay thank you Yoyo Boomers Club!!! I had a blast with these events. Congrats to the other winners!


Just to set expectations. Even though they pledged product we never received nor have we heard from sense for the string sponsor p44. I will be supplementing this with something 3d printed that probably won’t be the same value but hopefully will knock some of the disappointment down.

I also want to note in relation to some of the things that have been coming up elsewhere about this sponsor. we don’t support negative behavior in the community and hope that things change in the future.

If we receive the pledged product at some point we will look at adding it to the next event we host but for now I’m not expecting it to arrive.


I just got my first pair of loopers in the mail yesterday…but I’m trying. Am I too late to join the party?! :sweat_smile:


@ProbablyNotBadRawb never too late to learn for next year :wink:

Sadly the prizes have been announced and are being packed and shipped this week but excited to know the next time I get the hair brained idea to do a looping event I need to convince andre to do a looper sale the week before :slight_smile:


Sale and timing is 100% responsible for me attempting 5a (and picking up these loopers) haha.


sadly, my company only matches donations to schools which is lame so here’s my donation. all together we have donated nearly 300 for April to ASAN as a community and I think that’s just awesome.

I’m working on getting those prizes packaged and shipped still this week so look out for your tracking info in the next few days for the winners and otherwise i think this closes out this event fully. thank you all for an amazing first 2april. hope we get a chance to do it again next year.


all prizes except for 1 have been labeled and are being shipped. i need more boxes…

All prizes are shipped. Excited to see folks get the stuff


First half showed up, second half of prizes are out for delivery! So excited to give these amazing feelings string some spin time!
Thank you @MattB for such a generous goody bag!
Thank you yoyo boomer club for the great new yoyo adventures this year!
Thank you all pro guests every week with new challenges and super sweet tutorials! You all make everything look way to easy!

My dog approves of using them as back massages while I am not petting him :joy:


Very cool I had no idea what Matt was gonna send he just said he would send a sampling lol


Second half got lost for a day, but made it safe! This is so cool my kids are super excited to play with the youoking yoyos, but the Duncan’s and kendama are all mine!

Thank you everyone!


One of ever thing is a pretty awesome sample :heart_eyes:


The prize came in today! I’m super stoked to play with these. Big thank you to Yoyo Boomers Club and everyone involved for putting these events together. Y’all are doing great things for the community. :heart:


I think at this point everyone got everything. If anything is still pending let me know

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