2April 2024 a looping Event

Raffle contestants may submit videos for up to 4 entries. Entries are earned for the following video submissions:

  1. Post two tricks doing one handed looping, must have a minimum of 3 repeats per trick = 1 Entry
  2. Post a 2 handed looping trick with 3 repeats (if applicable) = 1 Entry
  3. Post a 2A “advanced” trick minimum 5 repeats (if applicable) = 1 Entry
  4. Post a “Free Form/creative” 2A Video = 1 Entry

Still have until the end of the month you should be good!
Below is the gist, trick lists are at the top post, or if you expand the quote below you can find them :slight_smile:


Yup get at it. I still need to add my entry

Ok. Here’s a fun entry. I wanted to do some 0A/2A but I can’t seem to get it together, so here’s a picture trick on each hand :man_shrugging:


The @p44company string sponsor pics are live. every prize bundle will have some p44 to try.


in order: 1 handed inside loops, 1 handed outside loops, creative trick, 2 handed around the world


Making progress!

I was able to get a bunch of sloppy but mostly solid loops on my right. Lefty is still a work in progress. Still not ready to do both at the same time lol.

Anyone keeping track of the Loop Off tally? Would be cool to have a little leader board so we can try to one up each other as the end of the month draws near lol.

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I believe @Captrogers said he would have an update soon. The loop off hasn’t started yet.

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Yeah I was waiting on pictures of the prize as confirmation. I’m working on the post and such today once all my work meetings end. Sadly my no meeting Friday because 4 straight hours of public speaking…

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Progress report!!

Getting better! But trying to do these at the same time is still a disaster :laughing::laughing::laughing:.

Here is my 1 handed entry! I’ll edit this same post with more videos as I land more tricks.


For those looking at the loop ups and wondering how could they win those… look no further. The loop off has begun


Hey, saw two tricks. In second section there’s ride the horse and in third there’s inside loop/hop. What is the difference between them? Is it just the number of reps? Thanks for the reply in advance

  • update: nevermind, I thought I have to choose two tricks from each section to for 1 entry :smile:

Alr, done, should be all 4 entries + one extra 2H trick just for fun and because I didn’t want to delete it, haha. Hope everybody out of skill addicts enjoys the free form video. Happy 2April to everyone :star_struck:


This made me legitimately laugh out loud. Good work! :wink:
Awesome scenery too!


Totally thought those were some kind of noodle before I read.

Awesome jobs @Son-of-Morris (cool music btw) & @Gabca!


Oh snap!

@Gabca busting on the scene, giving @Son-of-Morris a run for his money! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

And did you peep those 2a skillz?!?!?

Great work, lady! That was awesome!!!


Here’s the video

1.one handed inside loops and one handed hops
2. Two handed inside loops
3.one handed inside loops and hops together
4. Crossed arm inside loops to warp drive and time warp


Looking great!!! Super smooth!!

This was a joy to watch. Thank you for the entertainment!!:rofl::rofl:

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Connor Scholten and Matyáš Racek were (and still are) helping me a lot through beginnings, when I was frustrated from unsuccessful 1H looping. My actual 2A motivation was these tik tok-y videos where loops are the most suitable option of all styles :smile: managed to do a Christmas one for fun too :grin: