im starting 2a and i need advice on a good yoyo for 2a. I’m a begginer on 2a.
im looking for the best yoyo there is, i dont mind about the price. I want one that sleeps for a long time but is really good for begginers. please HELP ME!!!
;D >:(
:o ??? :
:-[ :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :-* :‘( :’( :-\ :-\ :-\ :-[ :-[
>:( ;D ;D
There is no best yoyo.
Some possibilities are Sunsets, NXGs, Relics (if you can find them), Raiders, some more that I can’t think of.
Also, refer to this post as it gets replies.,6379.msg72460/boardseen.html#new
Please don’t post in this one now. We can use one topic. Thanks.
my best is YoYoJam Sunset Trajectory’s. (NXG)
This isn’t meant to sound mean, but what does that have to do with him picking out a pair of 2a yoyos?
go with sunsets, i may get a pair even though i never tried looping tell me how they play please if u get them. also i heard that loop 720s’s are good (900’s are probably better whenthey come out)
Loop 720s and 900s are both geared towards advanced 2a play. I wouldn’t recommend starting on them.
I prefer Sunsets, but my favorite is Relics. if you can pick up some on the BSTs they are amazing. I tried John Narum’s and they felt amazing
The Loop 900s are also supposed to be amazing.
Yes, I have a pair of Relics and they’re awesome also. I knew how to loop (somewhat) before I got them though so I don’t know how good they would be for beginners, but I’m sure they would work fine (once again, if you can find some).