2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Its funny I get all of this stuff to carry yoyos when I never leave home and rarely leave bed. I’m just a sucker for “neato” stuff.


Now I gotta track down a yellow and a black 720 so I can get this bumble bee lookin set up. lol

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I’m working on a Yamada Wrap now. Might take me a couple days to get a good enough one to video. Thanks for the inspiration for 2a Tuesday.

And happy 2a Tuesday lol.


Happy Tuesday! Throwing Sochi Loop Spinners last night and today.


I found some circa 2011 raiders on the ‘bay for pretty cheap. Got them yesterday. Modded them with JPL spacers and a little crank down action. I might just make my own axles tonight on the lathe to get the gap exactly where I want it. But! They actually play very well as is with white type 6 string at 30”.


How do those spacers sit? I bought the black delrin spacers from Japan and the bearing sits too deep inside of them so I had to use spacers from a pair of hornets to get my raiders usable


I love the look of them.

I’m just going to leave this thread here in case it’s helpful.


I’m rooting for you turning a good axle.

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Well not too much time into them yet but…… fit wise is perfect. Barely flush with the starburst. However…. There’s no bearing dimple so it’s all bearing shield (edit, I should probably say bearing cover here?). From my understanding of researching 2a guts, this tends to make the loop “rounder”. I don’t know if that’s what I’m feeling but at 30” string they feel to be going up. At 32” string the loops sit flat but then it’s slow. I kinda suck so I like the momentum of a flat fast loop.
However! I have not lubed the bearings at all. So at 30” string and a little lube might bring the loop back down where I like it.
Sorry for the word dump lol.


When you close the gap on the Raider you typically swap out the spacers with one that has a shallower seat for bearing, this way your string is on the bearing not the spacer (note: this is from research not from personal experience). Some modders would grind down the spacer but most people swapped to plastic spacer and sanded down.

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I wasn’t able to throw today but I think I’ll get some in tonight. a I’m going with lightups.

The first three pictures are recycled from over a year ago.

2020 is the champ. The LED’s barely add any weight and they are bright. The YoStar Light looks amazing spinning. You can feel the extra weight but for me it’s the most fun. The plus of the Pulse is you don’t have to turn it on. You just have to make it sleep. I can do shoot-the moon woth it which I reall dig.


I know I’m not using familiar terminology so my explanations suck lol. But the JPL spacers allow the bearing to sit farther into the spacer because there’s no center bump to space the bearing out. It’s because JPL lets the axle be adjusted for gap. The downfall to using them on a raider is that it does close the gap enough to be usable but not great.
So…. I turned the shafts down .0394” on each side to make the axle effectively 2mm shorter. Then I took .006 off these spacers and sanded them on a sanding bar to ensure fit. This now allows the bearings and seats in the spacers to set the gap, rather than relying on the axle width. Updates to follow.


Could just be the excitement of getting them equal in all measurements but they feel amazing!



I’ll have to pick up some of those spacers and see

Did you take down the Raider spacer or the JPL spacer?

Looks great!

These are some yo-yo factory spacers I had. They’re the wider gold ones that you wouldn’t use a lot of. So I chopped off the back flat part to make them fit into the raider body.


I modded a pair of Glow Fireballs with 720 spacers and bearings. I modded the red 720 spacers by sanding them down. Doing so by hand, it’s difficult to keep them level, but mine are close. A lathe would certainly lend itself to doing this job with ease and much greater precision. My Fireballs play amazing though… just amazing. I did similar to a pair of Sabers as well.

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I was looking at my fireballs yesterday. The axles are even longer than the raider axles so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tackle that last night.

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I used a Dremel to trim my axle like this.