2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Ah. That makes sense. Very cool

I should maybe get a dremel. Seems useful. Does it take a lot of skill to do this kind of mod? I’m not so used to precision work and could easily see myself ruining axles…

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I’ll start with this… a Dremel is a VERY handy thing to have. It’s mostly just about a steady hand. I tried to cut it down to a lower shelf similar to how it starts out but I couldn’t. If I had incorporated a vise of some sort to eliminate the unsteady holding hand I may have fared differently, but this works a charm like I have it. Except one of the screw towers cracked and now I can no longer unscrew it. But it’s plenty tight at least. :smiley:

I didn’t get pics of the process but these will show the attachment I used and how I shortened the end of the axle and then add a taper so it screw together with ease. On the shelf at the base of the threads, I just brought that same tool in at 90 degrees from the screw and chiseled away at it. Don’t forget eye protection. :wink::+1:




I know the Raider is the yo of the day but I was excited about this and wanted to post it. I made this 2020 completely out of retail replacement parts. Every piece of it. I’ve got translucet pink and LED caps in white and clear to swap out with also.


That’s awesome!! How did you come by all of the parts? I love that green color. I have that in a Short Circuit spin top. I bet that looks awesome in a black light.

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I just accumulated them over the last couple of years. The hardware came from Japan. The rest I got from here or yotricks. I’m really excited about it.


I have a box with probably every available 2020 part.


Thats exactly how I started. I guess the hardest thing to come by are the little plastic caps that go on the end of the axle. I didn’t use any doner parts. I added another 2020 to the universe


Mail day! Clear 720s :star_struck:


Man, those are pretty!


Understandably it’s not Tuesday, however…. I am dead set on learning the Tangler this week. So if it’s cool I’d like to post progress daily. Also, it would help to use two different colored yo-yos. However, I locked myself in to my orange 720’s for “One July”. So I’ll be happy with a single clean rotation and get additional rotations down later.



That’s a pretty good start. I need to work on Tangler… in August. Or I suppose I could just fashion myself some poi.


It’s 2a Tuesday and I’m excited. For 2a. Tuesdays are kinda whatever. But 2a, now that’s hip. As threatened. Here’s my daily progress vid whilst keeping abreast of the “One July” laundry list of rules and regulations.



Not Tuesday, sorry… but updating y’all is keeping me motivated to learn this trick!!!

…. (Middle sped up to fit in imgur)


Update, nailed it!
It’s easier to keep the yo-yos straight while they’re spinning. But the rotations need to be very consistent before trying it with around the worlds. This is a hard trick to figure out how to learn but not a hard trick. Here’s day 4, on 4th of July.


Way to go dude!!! Blood, sweat, and tears do pay off!!! :smiley:

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Another view


One full week of working on one trick. My daughter jumped in and turned yo-yo practice in to band practice lol



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