its not that easy as jst asking for them shinji have to waste his time making some tuts when he can be practicing for competitions and andres tuts are amazing
Hahahahahahahahahahaha… and the laughing goes on. If any “pro” thinks that it’s a waste of his time or talents to teach other yo-yo enthusiasts how to improve, then they are no professional.
It may be true that someone may not have the time to devote, but if they made the time I doubt they would feel it’s a “waste”. At worlds, some of the most talented throwers still made time amongst all the chaos and pressure to spend time teaching others. That’s what makes a professional real.
Andre. Ando. Yuuki. Miggy. JD. Joseph Harris. Ed. Augie. Tyler S. I saw all of them showing others how to do tricks, or just sharing some of their time with the kids that adore them. Yo-yoing is more or less a social hobby, and it seems like the “pros” know and embrace that aspect too.
i guess in this case, i don’t know what shinji would make a tutorial for. most of the things he does in his freestyles can be broken down and understood… just not easily emulated, especially via video. having judged a LOT of ladders where most kids can’t get past one-handed insides, what would be the point to making tutorials of tricks that only like 9 guys (in the u.s.) can do?
i’m not saying he shouldn’t teach kids tricks (and i imagine he DOES quite a lot)… just that yoyoexpert video tutorials wouldn’t do much for kids who, for the most part, CAN’T do the stuff that’s already up there. maybe if there’s a demand for progressive 2a, but how many people who visit this forum are even half-way through the 2a list as it is?
it’s not a waste of shinji’s time, but it’d be a waste of OUR time to try to learn it if we can’t do consistent loop-moons, etc. andre’s got solid 2a basics up there. when i see some evidence that people are mastering it, i’ll want to see some harder stuff too.