Extending the deadline because of the holidays. New deadline is on January 5th @ 11:59pm! Get to filming
All information below is still accurate!
For those of you out there who were bummed that they missed out on the YYF Mystery Boxes on Black Friday, do not fret because you have another chance to score one!
Then, provide a link to the video in the message body. It’s that easy!
Judging “Rubric”
Videos will be graded on the following, but not necessarily prioritized in this order:
Overall Feel
Theme Incorporation
Yoyo Mechanics/Skill
Feel free to send me a private message through the forum, or post the question(s) here and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
So go out there and make some videos!
DISCLAIMER: I, Kat, am in no way affiliated with YoYoExpert.com or Ultimate Vision LLC. Furthermore, YoYoExpert.com is in no way sponsoring or endorsing this contest. Prizes are subject to change based on availability.
Thanks for the compliments! All of you should enter, and even if you don’t win, at least you have a great holiday yoyo video to share with your friends/family :).
If you know anyone else interested be sure to tell them!
There is a ninety percent chance I won’t because of time.
That leaves a ten percent chance that I will though. Mostly because I plan to dress up like an elf any way, it’s a minute video which is perfect considering I don’t know that many tricks, it will motivate me to practice, and it gives me a perfect excuse to practice my video editing. Looks like I have more reasons to participate than to not!
Will you be posting the winners here? If I post my video as link only I shouldn’t have to worry about people seeing it unless I win right?
Good luck to you guys!! Also know that I won’t be prejudice base off of camera gear! So don’t be discouraged just because you only have your phone and someone else is shooting with like a Canon C500 (if anyone is I’m super jealous).
Also, there’s only ~10 days left, and out of those only 4 are weekend days! As of now there’s a good chance of winning a mystery box!
There’s not much left in the competition and the entries are severely lacking! Which means it should be super easy to win something :). So get to video making!
If people want an extension I may be willing to if enough people are interested.