Just added a mystery bag to my cart. I have no intentions of buying it. I just wanted to see if I could do it. If the sale starts soon and it saves me enough money, I’ll probably just keep it in there (unless they sell out before I check out.)
I managed to enter my payment information, submitted the form, and got a page error. I’m willing to do it again, but I hope it’s not firing off the payment request in the back end multiple times.
I, and probably many others, understand and forgive you. I understand your issues, but it would really annoy me if if people who didn’t try for a box woke up in the morning and got a box and people like me who have been trying from the get-go didn’t because we gave up eventually.
Seriously? It’s not like it’s their fault. You kids are crashing it. No point in paying for a more capable server if it’s only going to be used to its full capacity a couple times a year.