Hi I’ve got a 1980s mello hello Yoyo with a
Loose wooden axel is there any way I can make it
Could you add more detail? Pictures of the situations would be good.
Yes. A pic might help but it all depends on how much work you want to put in.
Is it loose where the halves turn freely? If it’s easy to separate you can just glue the loose half to the axle with any good super glue or wood glue (just make sure to let it cure for a day-ish).
Anything else would need minor wood working. If you can separate the halves without damaging the axle but the axle is intact you could sand it down to the desired size. If you can’t separate it without damaging the axle you can cut it and drill out the axle, and do a full replace with a shorter one.
Might be as simple as adding some glue. Pictures always help
Hi thanks for the messages yes sorry I didn’t
Explain a bit more about it I brought the Yoyo
On eBay and I’ve noticed that the axel is loose
The two sides of the Yoyo move a bit when you
Turn them with my hand and i was wondering if there is a way I can fix the problem and how
I’d go about it as I’m new to using yo-yo
Hi yes sorry I didn’t explain the problem very well
I brought the Yoyo on eBay the two sides stay together but if you turn them both the move
And I was wondering if there is a way to fix it
And if so how would I go about it
I’m new to using Yoyo so I don’t know much about them the Yoyo is a 1980s mellow yello with
A wooden axel
Many thanks Jude
i think its a russell yoyo. plastic with wooden axle.
glueing is probably the best option.
pull it apart gently and replace the glue
Russell’s aren’t glued the rivet holds it tight. I don’t know the process to remove the caps but you would need to remove them then you can tighten the rivet with some light hammer taps.
Hi that’s definitely the Yoyo I have thanks for
The advice and information will give it a try
As was just mentioned by Simyo, That Russell yo-yo is most likely riveted together.
It’s actually a pretty nice old-school collection item and you probably shouldn’t even play it. You should display it.
Even though the guys tried to give you so good advice, there’s a couple things you need to know.
First of all the riveting of yo-yo axles is a very old school technique that never proved to be effective doing much of anything besides putting pressure on a wooden sleeve as the rivet was tightened literally crushing it from the inside.
They were originally distributed in small boxes of 12 to be displayed and sold individually or however, many you wanted to buy.
Back in the day, the demonstrators would get the yoyos in boxes of 12… Usually in bulk. It was not uncommon for only one in each box of 12 to be problem free. The demonstrators will go through the boxes Picking out the best ones to use for their demonstrations. The rest were just basically sold as kid fodder.
The wood used for the axles was usually real varied in quality… Primarily low. It didn’t consist of solid maple that was splinter free. It consisted of small sleeves of wood as a rivet went through the middle. More often than not the pressure from the riveting procedure crushed the wood and caused it to splinter. You talk about having a responsive yo-yo? On the wood splinters it comes back in a hurry lol.
To suggest glue a yo-yo back together seems like a good idea on the surface? The problem is there’s a very good chance you’re gonna destroy the yo-yo in the process of trying to fix it by utilizing the process of trying to take it apart?
Also realize that it’s not probable, but it is possible that the yo-yo has were clocked for best balance. Clocking is the process when mating two yo-yo halves to align them in such a way that any imbalances that are naturally created by the variable weight distribution in density that naturally happens, helps to minimize the Vibe or wobble created by the various halves.
Most likely using the production procedures that they did at a time, clocking was not part of any type of production procedure.
But what clocking means is that before putting the yo-yo halves together, the halves are turned in the yo-yos slowly tossed to the point where when they halves are oriented a certain way it’s been best as the imbalances partly counted each other.
So if you made the ill suggested attempt to pull the house apart, in the process of thinking you’re gonna fix that old yo-yo, the first thing you need to do is to get a pencil and Mark each half to identify one side to the other. And then when you put the half back together, you lineup those two marks
But like I said, since it’s most likely riveted yo-yo pulling it apart it’s just gonna kill it.
There was no serious attempt to make high-performance long, lasting fixed, actually yo-yos way back then. The most serious attempt the companies made were to make a lot of cheap yo-yos fast that you would buy, and most likely they would break or be playable somewhat just loose and junkie.
Best suggestion is to display that yo-yo. And just buy another fix actual yo-yo or get something like a snap back for 10 or 12 bucks and never look back.
Attempting to repair an old school riveted fixed axle yo-yo by any method other than the one Simyo Suggested about tapping the yo-yo to tighten the halves up, is just going to be a downhill adventure in how to screw up a yo-yo even worse than it is.
If, as you suggested, by holding the halves in your hands and slowly rotating them in opposite directions identifies A slightly loose axle but the yo-yo still playable? Just play it like that and be happy.
Or try to be Dr. Frankenstein and kill it completely in the process of bringing it back to life.
Since you were new to the forum and new to yo-yos, there’s a very high realm of probability that you don’t know me anymore than I know you?
I will tell you something right now that you could live your entire lifetime without ever needing to know.
What I will tell you is, I know a few things about yo-yos. And I wouldn’t deliberately mislead you.
Identify that mellow yellow yo-yo as the first yo-yo in your collecting experience. Then go into the yo-yo expert store and spend a couple bucks on a yo-yo that you can use but you don’t have to fix.
Good luck regardless.
PS…. Just want to mention, that I did this reply using talk to text. Interestingly, I speak pretty much like a talking dictionary. I speak very clearly and with no sort of accent whatsoever.
But for whatever reason, my IPad seems to have ‘difficulty’ understanding what I say? And substitutes a word or series of words that they seem to like better, lol
I will check for more errors when I get home tonight. In the meantime, if you read My reply above just pretend that English is my second language.
Im the goober that plays YoYo’s that should be on display…
Indiana jones would be so disappointed with you😂
good read on the Russell lore, thanks for writing that up
I see it like this: Yoyos are toys. Toys need to be played.
Same for all tools and vehicles.
Collecting us valid and I don’t mind folks being avid collectors but I also like to tinker and mess with my stuff so I’m not one to give a priceless collector piece to lol
Totally. I’m not gonna take someones collection. It’s just the way I handle my stuff. And use also does not mean abuse. If it gets a scratch from use: fine. But I will not go out of my way to add artfificial damage to it.