15-Nov-2010 For the pink haters!!!!!

New and updated

For fun. 6 star?

Peak ka Pink. For someone’s peak.

Next Generation (NG)
Love my rims? Not very clean but i like.!!!

Misty O Mystic
Not for the faint hearted. Testing my level of painting. Looks like room for improvement

Below are my mod and air brush work in the last few months.

latest ones are at the top while oldest at the bottom
16\12\2009 fast one and new technique
Jose ann
(Revenge of the tigress)


Happy Pink Halloween peak
Added some gold slashes on the red and silver slash on the pink

Yin & Yang bassolope

Gold boss

gold rim R1

Recessed silicone and pad recessed fhz

Recessed silicone flying panda with recessed rims to fix the weight rings found in my old fast 201k that i took out.

Latest hitman

Latest peak version

My hitman. Goldish bronze and blue splash

someone’s 888 (pinkish with metallic blue green splash
Metal FHZ

Latest Project i have done. No money to buy a 200plus dollar painted peak why not settle for my own painted peak. No names for them yet. Tired after doing the paint jobs. Any help will be appreciated. Just for the fun of it O0


Remember fuggy ugly?? And want my own gold rimmed yoyo at an affordable price?
It has transform to these. GOld rimmed lyn fury with orange based. LAcks splash thou…
They are the same yoyo. Lyn fury. The blue one was redone and changed to the bright orange!!!

Redo my speed maker by priming more layers first:
Below are the most recent paint jobs:

Nerves and neurons
Kinda look like a bit like splash.

Next is my most well done paint job of a TFL.
i call it
Barney’s Power


i air brushed it. my first painted yoyo. didnt sand paper it before painting which is why some of the paint came off. its a yellow speed maker yoyo.
just wondering if i need to use primer after sanding it with sand paper. manage a clear coat over the paint to give it a gloss look.
do comment on how to make it a better paint job. i am more concern with making sure the paint doesnt flake easily. :slight_smile:

Added a few more fuggy ugly yoyos :slight_smile:
did some priming before painting and did a clear coat over it.
Look below:

Red 08 888


pink hitman

hope you enjoyed them

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That’s amazing!

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very impressive.
keep up the good work.
i would not be suprised if you start getting pms of people asking you to do theirs. ;D

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WOW that speedmaker looks amazing man you have to do us the honor of giving tutorials

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Yeah, your mods are great! I love your metel rimmed Lyn Fury! It looks like a Hitman! And the speedmaker splash is great :smiley: keep up the good work!!!

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woah thank you so much. had to use the thank you option!!!

my favorites are the hitman and speedmaker. ;D

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The speedmaker is sweeeeet… Now do you think the airbrushing would rub off after a good ammount of play?

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Stares at speedmaker That is really… Goood!

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another round of thank you!!! made my day! :o

i think the paint could hold quite well in fact but i haven tested its endurance yet :slight_smile:

OMG as i was looking at them i was half looking and half getting on my burglars shirt to come and nab them :stuck_out_tongue:


I am so happy you bumped this.

That Splashed hitman, Painted peak and That bassalope look AMAZING!!!