1000 Posts of literary genius

I do a lot of lurking lol.

Kill joy. :wink:

I am a lurker as well. I’m on here multiple times a day and rarely post anything.

man I have been on here for years and only have 527.


Stop spamming MY thread. >:(

You sir are just all about quality! You haven’t spammed enough to make a spam sandwich. Your posts always make a real contribution. :wink:

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where’s studio at? I think he has like 7000 posts. Probably with enough content to make a novel or 2.

Can someone figure out how many words someone has posted? Cause more words=more quality.

Not necessarily. Spam can be long…

But, in the case of Studio42? Well, he’s amazing.

Derailed, good job. >:(

You got a mod edit that said
mgodinez edit - spellin’, punctuation - overall clearer communication…

I haz 1200!

All quality posts yo’


This is the type of literary genius we are talking about here.

“Bump.” Pure poetry.

This man speaks the truth.

when i first saw the title i thought you were talking about me, then i thought “Oh wait! i don’t have 1000 posts”…

I thought I lost the game.

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I thought it was talking about me.

You? Never.