This is a test video, and also my first post here. What do you guys think? Please give me constructive criticism!
Absolutely stunning. Not much criticism to give, it was so freakin good. Are you sponsored? You should be. What color ways are those Chiefs?
That was fantastic!! One of the best I’ve seen lately by far!! You should definitely try competing you would do very well. Awesome style, very unique!
Thanks for the feedbacks. No I’m not sponsored The Chief is a Clareview Station colorway. Well there are not many contests here in Norway, but I would love to compete! Thanks again!
Oh my goodness! This is some of the best yoyoing I’ve seen in a long time!
What’s your name? You should be sponsored for sure.
And if this is just a “test” I’m interested to see the real thing!
Thank you My name is Magne, it’s a norwegian name
This video was to test a camera, and also to test an editing program.
What just happened?
I think my mind was just blown…
How long have you been throwing? That was fantastic!!
Thank you, I never thought I would get so much feedback in a so short time! I have soon been throwing 3,5 years.
Only 3 and a half years???
Wow, I hope I’m that good then!
You’ll probably be much better than me when you have thrown 3,5 years. Thank you for the feedback! ;D
me too I want to be good
I wanna be like you when I grow up… I love your style…can you make a tut for some of those flashy whips? I have never found one…

can you make a tut for some of those flashy whips? I have never found one…
Love the horizontal dude, and your style! The only constructive criticism I can think of is maybe add some different binds in after tricks because I think most of them were the same. Nice job!
Thing I found amazing in this video:
The yo yoing. Duh
Your style
Your speed
Your fluidity
The fact that your not sponsored
The fact that this was just to test a camera/software
The fact that this is your first post
Your slack control
If you keep putting your stuff out there, you’re sure to be sponsored! Please post more videos on this forum!!!
All those whips and slacks were amazing.
Thanks for the feedbacks guys!

I wanna be like you when I grow up… I love your style…can you make a tut for some of those flashy whips? I have never found one…
If you send me a PM with the tricks you want, I can see what I can do. Can’t promise anything though

Love the horizontal dude, and your style! The only constructive criticism I can think of is maybe add some different binds in after tricks because I think most of them were the same. Nice job!
I’ll work on those binds
Again, thanks for all the feedbacks! ;D

What do you guys think? Please give me constructive criticism!
Are you kidding me? Constructive criticism? There’s no criticism to be given! That was amazing!
You’re better than most of us out there. Or at least better than me!
Your freaking nice dude. Awesome work
Thanks for all the feedbacks! I’ll try to make another video when I have time.