YYSL Venom vs. MarkMont Dragon String

Which is better? Any other recommendations? Want to try out one of the two, how are they like?


Some people love Dragon, some people hate it. It seems to be a very hit or miss string with people. The whips and slacks with this string are insane, unfortunately it holds tension worse than just about anything else I’ve used.

YYSL Venom is my personal favorite string and it is just very good all around.

They are not the same at all. Venom plays more similarly to standard poly, whereas Dragons are that plasticky, dense, embroidery-thread-feeling-stuff.

Dragons last a lifetime, I’ll give them that. But I much prefer Venom despite shorter lifespan.

I have both also, and I much prefer Venom to Dragons. Dragons do feel like they give an extra boost of speed or something, and feel slicker on the fingers, whereas Venom seem to just burn your fingers when your any sort of high friction tricks. And the tension is much better on the Venom, not the best, but still good.

Note that MarkMont DRAGON (apparently it’s all caps) strings are back, as of today … if you know where to look :eyes:


Strings have been sitting in my cart - I can’t decide if I wanna buy into the hype or not :o

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Dragons were very hit or miss, many LOVED them, many also HATED them. Very polarizing.

I personally liked them a lot but it’s not a string I would use as a main. I have missed them though. So I will be purchasing some

edit: oh wow those cost almost twice as much as they did back in the day. hmmm… ah I’ll still buy some


I love this customer :money_mouth_face:


I’ve still got a good stock of the OGs but I might seek out a fresh pack…

These descriptions… Classic markmont marketing :joy: