YYJ going out of business?

YYJ going out of business or something?? Almost all their products are half off and low quantity. Just curious and not trying to start rumors.

Early this year they announced they were closing… so no rumors here just the sad truth.

Mind Blown! :frowning:

They already went out of business. The owner is too old and in semi-poor health so he decided to disband the company. It’s sad

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

The owner is too old. << VyVy; you blowin bubbles again?

He still owns and operates his primary Business. And that makes him a very comfortable multi millionaire👍

He was simply subjecting himself to too much stress.

Since one Business made him thousands and the other Business makes him millions>>>>>>>

Sadly, no more Yoyos.


Yes, they left us. :frowning:

I guess so lol

PM Me if you have a B!ST Tondo F/T

Regrettably, I never had a YYJ throw in my life. :frowning:

Still, YYJ having shut down isn’t anything new.

There’s still time to buy one: http://shop.yoyoexpert.com/manufacturer/2/YoYoJam

Some good prices on some of them now.