YYJ Axiom

I’m thinking about buying a YYJ Axiom. But I’ve looked around and couldn’t find any decent reviews on it. Is there anyone who has one that could tell me a thing or two about it? Things like “good grinds” or “good sleep times” etc. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

the axiom is very smooth, grinds great (just like any metal out their) and sleeps very long

i have an axiom. It is pretty nice. Not my first choice in metal, but very good :slight_smile:
PS. I have one on my BST…

Very comfortable shape, very smooth. Thumb grinds are super easy. Not much rim weight, so it can tilt on you if you’re playing fast.

I enjoy mine a lot.

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Thanks for all the help guys. :slight_smile: I just ordered a RED one. Can’t wait! ;D