YYF SuperNova Lite and MONSTER drop midnight!

“Check back tonight at midnight - all new SuperNova LITE and MONSTER launching from YoYoFactory!!!”
From the Yoyoexpert Facebook page!
Thoughts, Comments… Go.

Awesome. I wonder how the Supernova lite will be. I have an original BTNC Supernova, and I love it.

Prices? Specs? Anyone?

3 min

-13 minutes!

Hah! I live in central time! I get it an hour before people in eastern time! (ignore all logic when reading this)


No, seriously, though.

I’m happy with the price of the Supernova lite but the Monster?? $99? Really? Wow. I was looking forward to picking one of them up, but not at that price. I’d rather put $99 towards a One Drop or CLYW.

I know what you mean… I would still buy it at that price, but for $100 a Wooly MarkMont is going to be higher up on the list. They’ll probably sell out before I get the 3 or so yoyos that I would buy first.

Exactly. When prioritizing my yoyo purchases, I would still buy one, but at that price, it’s going to the bottom of the list. Too many other better yoyos out right now that you can buy for almost the same prices.

And is that a decal on the sides of the monster?? Do my eyes deceive me? For $100 you figure they could have at least done some engraving. As much as I’d like a Monster it’s not 4 x better than the Aoda Miracle. I’ll just pick up a Miracle for $26. I really would have hoped that when releasing a yoyo like this that they would have had more affordable pricing so people aren’t afraid to experiment with new designs. At that price I’d rather hold off and wait for one drop or clyw or spyy to make a super wide yoyo. OH well. I don’t mean to pick on yoyo factory, but man. I’m just so disappointed by that pricing, and with the decal instead of engraving. I wonder if under the decal it says “Superwide”. I’d have to LOL on that one.

I do not enjoy YYF. Even before Jensen quit.

I notice that now it’s apparently cool to be a sort of YYF “antifanboy”. Never miss a chance to badmouth them. If YYF is even mentioned in a thread, they make posts that have no purpose other than to point out how they dislike YYF. Have they actually done something wrong? Is it just the fact that they used to be the little guy and their stuff was made in small batches and was hard to get (and therefore loving their stuff was cool) but now they’ve become one of the biggest so now to prove how cool you are you have to go out of your way to hate on them and remind people that there is some smaller, cooler company that you like? I’m just an old guy trying to understand…

Have Fun,


You know too much…the illyominatti is after you…

I do enjoy only a few of yyf’s throws though, Proto/Northstar, Supernova, superstar and the genesis.

I just hate how Ben screwed me over by making the superwide the big announcement…I stayed up ti’ll 12am to see something I hated…

“Screwed over” might be a little harsh, but yeah, I’d be a little miffed if I stayed up just to see that silly thing.

Have Fun,

i too am upset with the monster price

I’m not badmouthing yoyofactory. I enjoy a lot of their yoyos. I have an MVP, Yuuksta, Starlite, Protostar, Northstar, Glownasty, and a DV888.

It’s just that, IMO, novelty yoyos should have novelty pricing.

Im not sure how you can feel screwed over.

You want economical price, buy a superwide. You want premium performance, buy a monster. You just want to complain?

Ok :slight_smile:


I also noticed the sticker on the Monster. I thought it was a bit out of place on a $100 yoyo. But then I noticed it said “made in USA”. Is that typical for YYF? I thought they were all made in China.

Maybe they needed to save costs where they could.

I don’t feel screwed over by the price, but rather the fact that it wasn’t another form of innovation. I like large yoyos, not wide yoyos. I was hoping for some radical new bearing or response or something…

lold at the illyominati