YYF Replay

Uh oh, my tracking that was updating and doing well for awhile now says my item is no longer found.

Hopefully it comes today? :-\

EDIT: Nvm, it’s back lol

I got mine, and it plays nice and smooth too. It plays great, and it’s got some heft to it, nice and solid how I like 'em. And, isn’t it gorgeous? Yellow is sold out here now.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7735/17408186576_d879c81f05_z.jpgReplay by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

Beautiful picture!!
So happy I grabbed a yellow as a backup… Looks awesome with the purplish caps! ;D

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I have to say “thank you,” for that one, because the thank yous are disabled in this thread right now. I’ll give you one later. :wink:

I’m glad you picked one up. When people were asking what throw to get in this price range, I used to say ONEstar or Classic (with upgraded bearing). Now, I will totally recommend Replay over those two. It’s such a great value, and plays more solid, totally my style.

I was planning to get a beautiful Paul Han Onestar in pink as my first unresponsive. Is it so much better the replay?

ONEstar (upgraded with Center Trac) and Replay are both “unresponsive” yo-yos. I believe the Replay is the better yo-yo of the two. That is totally my preference though. Replay has far more presence on the string, more heft, and solid compared to ONEstar. Both are nice yo-yos, and have their place in the YYF catalog. If you prefer lighter yo-yos, and love the specific look of Paul Han ONEstar, by all means go with ONEstar. But, if you want something that plays more solid, YYF’s most current offering in that price range, go with Replay. I personally prefer Replay. Of course, over time, try both models. :slight_smile:

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These sold SO well compared to the VK

Well it is also 8 times less expensive

These sold SO well compared to the VK

That’s because the VK looks like an incredibly boring yoyo. The Replay looks like a heck of a lot of fun.

Mine should be here today :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried to do some 3a with replays yet? ;D

My Replay arrived yesterday and I have to say that I like it better than any of my other Stein throws. It play better that the speedaholic and I really like the weight. Also, the yellow/purple is really cool.

I haven’t been able to put mine down, it really is that fun.

I also love the yellow/purple color, it looks so great in person


I havent owned a throw with this high walls in a while but i like it

Apparently it went to the wrong place or something, now it’s heading the right way. Mine should come tomorrow!

Right there with you. The Replay Pro is amazing. I got it in black and teal. And I’m really enjoying it.

I the replay as hefty as yoyofactory Shutter? How does it feel.

Got it! Plays very nicely. Reminds me of a Yeti without the large hub that makes it kinda floaty; this guy is super stable and horizontal ready.

I’m gonna order a blue/orange caps to go with my yellow so I can play 3a ;D

Ok, so I got my Replay today. I’d say it is an alright yoyo. It feels like a brick but can handle tricks well. It looks really good, but feels kind of cheap to use. That plastic bearing seat is also a bit of a worry. A YYJ Classic modded to be unresponsive is a far better yoyo.