Which of the two is better and which one should I choose? Also, is the shape of the T5 similar to the One Star?

What are your preference? but if I had to choose I would pick the one star.

I like the T5, great performer, really enjoy it. The OneStar, which I also like, is a bit too light in general. It’s still amazing but when I play outdoors, it gets blown around a bit, which annoys me.

The N6 is H-shaped, and my preferences are V-shapes. It’s a good yoyo though, well weighted.

I the Onestar is a great price and then Magic yoyos are also t great prices so you could always try both!

Well, my preference is that the yoyo should have a similar shape to the t5 and yyj legacy. I dont like the shape of yyf pgm.