YYF Northstar weight mod question

Does anybody have experience with reducing the weight of the newer Northstar(top) to be 3 grams lighter and play like the 2010 J.K. Northstar(bottom)?

Where would be the best place to reduce the weight? Axle? Bearing? Drilling holes?

Please advise :folded_hands:t2:

i bet @pyrotechnic or @SarahJ can advise you on that

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probably you need to swap a lighter axle an bearing setup (titanium axle + ceramic bearing) to reduce a little bit of gram but it would be expensive to buy those parts

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The cheap and dirty solution would be to use a lathe or Dremel carefully and make finger-spin hubs but that’s a fairly aggressive mod

What are the weight rings made of? Both the same material?

Do the spacers from the new one fit the old one?

looks like this is a topic of interest. I’m currently working on getting some data from both yoyos and making a plan of action. i’ll have more info soon. Thanks community!

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