I’ve ordered a Czech Point from Billy Bob’s Bait 'N Tackle & it’s now coming. Like to see how it stacks up.
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I’ve ordered a Czech Point from Billy Bob’s Bait 'N Tackle & it’s now coming. Like to see how it stacks up.
This site is sponsored by YoYoExpert. It’s impolite to refer to competing stores.
Are you telling us or asking?
Aluminium dream of course the best.
While supernova is expensive then both its not really a comparison.
What questions i am expecting from you next.
Draup vs Imperial vs 1080. Lol
“Of course”?
It’s all subjective my man.
Buggot, does the Czech Point come with a cleaned bearing?
Clean bearing? You’d have to ask, normally all bearings are “clean”, but some companies.put a tiny bit of lube in to make it play smoother. Which is why some yoyos need a break in period.
I know you love my highlight reel
I’ve played the CP and the ALdream, and personally prefer the czechpoint. It’s so stable and will sleep forever.the al dream is faster, but it’s a bit over hyped