YYE why ???

Next week is Chinese New Year andi gonna bye 2 yoyo Unleashed Blue , i bought blue jeans , blue shoes , and blue top to fit with the yoyos
and right in this time , YYE stop selling blue unleashed , Plz sell it again
I really love this yoyo

I think they ran out of stock is all.

You’ll have to wait till they restock that colour (Not sure when they’ll be doing that.).

Maybe you should buy some red jeans… XD

The various companies don’t produce the full line of colors continuously. Generally they’ll make a batch of just a few colors at a time, then move on to the next. And if a store happens to have enough of one model in stock they may not order again until the stock runs low regardless of color. It may be awhile until they get the color you want.

Unfortunately YoYoJam is pretty random with their production of specific colors and they only produce 200-300 of each color at a time once a month or so - therefore its difficult to say exactly when we will have them available again.

I’m waiting for the Unleashed in White.

Wow, with Tet fairly close… are you in Vietnam? Your flag says you are, but you chose that location, so I won’t assume right or wrong.

Also, Red is supposed to be the color, isn’t it? I see lots of red and yellow.

Sorry, wish I could help. I’m not selling my blue or red unleashed yoyos. I like them!

im from vietnam , last week or month , i saw the Unleashed blue still have about 60
how could it sell all 60 just in that time
plz yye , help me

Well, what sort of help are you looking for? They can’t just re-stock it, since the blue ones are sold out.

YYE is just the distributor, not the producer.