Yuuki Spencer

Think of it this way> let’s pretend there really was a Superman. And let’s pretend we all knew him and what he could do.

And we pretty much agreed on all the powers he had at his disposal.

A few years later at the Village Picnic, Superman’s 3 brothers show up.

How much quality time are we really going to spend bickering about which Superman is the Strongest?

Most of the Top Yoyo Dawgs are just that; Top level players.

In the process of comparing current ’ more contest active’ Yoyo stars like Zack and Gentry, you are showing disrespect to Yuuki.

What’s the point?


i was just trying to get some dialogue concerning him… i do see that its gotten rude to yuuki so im asking this thread be locked down…

So, like, he’s kinda won enough?? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I also find it most amusing since Yuuki was Amazingly good way back when many of the current players were still being assisted in changing out their diapers.

… Back in the old days, it was everything you did accomplish was what made you Famous.

Now the mindset seems to be, ‘Well, if you are not destroying the Competition NOW, who cares what you have done in the last 15 years’?

Pretty sad…

Yuuki still has a big S on his shirt. He just mainly wears his shirt inside out because he has other stuff to do.


Looking at that list above it’s saying something to take 2 years off from competition, then have your first competition be one of the most prestigious (44Clash) and you get 3rd place.

He’s also, in my few dealings with him, been a pretty cool guy. He sent me a little tutorial for this crazy repeater that he made, I can now do that…well I can’t do it as a repeater but once through I’m ok at…at a semi-slow speed.

Like Doc has mentioned, not sure why all of this “who is better” is “so and so relevant” type conversations keep coming up. Especially with someone like Yuuki who has created more, and probably forgotten more, than most 1A players.

I think we can all agree - Yuuki is one of the most innovative & natural yo-yo players that has ever lived. Anyone trying to argue otherwise is missing something.

Let’s keep it on the ‘positive’ moving forward in this thread and don’t get caught up on trying to disagree with someone else saying he is the ‘best’ and argue otherwise. He is an amazing player and we are lucky to have the many contributions he has made to this amazing sport!


I swear Yuuki is like a time machine had a baby with a yoyo.

This was shot at Cal states 2012…

Even though it is from almost 4 years ago, there are still some concepts that are new and super innovative compared to some others as of this post. (like, on Ky Zizan level innovative)

Yuuki is a looper, I tell ya.

Wait…HE IS LITERALLY A LOOPER!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I’ve always been a fan of Yuuki. I finally met him at Worlds 2008 and he was doing some crazy tricks he made up under a stairwell of the hotel. Cool dude for sure.

“Against All Odds”

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You hate him cause you ain’t him. Every high level player is going to have haters. You guys should be encouraging other players regardless of skill level, rather than bashing them for being “out of date”, “unoriginal”, etc. There’s a difference between not being a fan of someone’s style and publicly shaming them for it.

Good topic btw :slight_smile:

My thought to this discussion is that there is no such thing as the best. There is only best at a particular style.

For example… Yuuki doesn’t play the same as Jensen… they’re styles are different so you cant stay one is better than the other. What you can say is that when you think about styles different people who innovated that style come to mind and that is what makes them the best at that style. Everyone else is just trying to reach their level in that style.

Yuuki = slacks and whips
Jensen = super tight technical stuff
Hiroyuki = super speed
Kerbal = finger spins


too many kids (and some adults) still fall victim to the false pretense of “best.” Its a mythical dragon that doesnt exist. Youll never catch it since it eludes all attempt to hold it.

There is no “best” only favored.

Dont pick

Yuuki was at Texas State this year to hang out and showcase some tricks, but he chose to leave the stage to the more inexperienced players. Upon request, he also demonstrated “Yuuki Slack” a few times. From what I’ve seen, he’s is a great player and a great guy.

You have to acknowledge that he’s thrown down some mind-blowing freestyles in the past, and I’m curious to see what he’ll do next. Contest wins or not, his unique style is mesmerizing.

Does anyone have a trick list for learning Yuuki’s style?
Like maybe easy to hard Yuuki Tricks?

There are a few easier yuuki cabin tutorials from when charles was still on clyw.

Try classic yuuki concepts or yuukified poutine bucket

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