YoYoSkills.com Tutorial - “c-cow-b”

YoYoSkills.com Tutorial - “c-cow-b”

People have been asking for a tut for this for a while. Well here it is.


Crazy Corkscrew Open Wine Bottle! That’s awesome man. I gotta figure that one out.

Can never go wrong with Jackie Chan :slight_smile:

nice idea
keep up he awesome work

thats a fun trick! I cant stop doing it now. Is the yoyo a beysick?

Thank you very much for the tutorial!

Dude I need to learn that trick RIGHT NOW. It looks so awesome! ;D

And yes it is, it said at the end of the video.

I don’t understand the whip part. Which string am i supposed to whip.

Got it on the third try. This is so epically fun. Awesome trick Chris.

It’s the string that you curl your finger into. It’s a very similar motion to plastic whip.

I should note that I’ve hit myself in the face twice.

Am i supposed to get a sorta green triangle thing when i whip.

How do you dismount?

Just drop. There isn’t really a knot that forms. At least when I did it. But I might have done it wrong. ::slight_smile: lol

Yup, Just drop.

Hmmm,i’m getting a crazy knot when i drop…

JM i hear you, I gave myself a fat lip, also hit myself in the man parts. Hurt.

Lmao. That’s never fun. :stuck_out_tongue: I’d better keep that in mind when I go to try this thing out tomorrow. lol :smiley:

Who knew that yoyoing could be used in place of a vasectamy? :stuck_out_tongue: