That looks awesome, and it looks like something I may be able to pull off. Thanks for sharing. I bookmarked it so I can attempt it tonight during my regular yoyo sesh.
Thanks bro! Glad you liked it
That’s a fun one! Thanks.
The tower is tricky to get it formed properly and can very quickly become a nice knot. Any tips for getting formed?
Hey man! Thanks a lot!
The main tip to avoid the knot: try to don’t move your hands towards each other after landing the tower (it’s a bit counterintuitive cuz most of the time when you leave more string length for you picture trick, the bigger it will be, but not in this situation) . Same with getting it formed. The less you move ur hands towards/apart of each other the bigger tower you’ll get. Let me know if this helps
That’s great advice! Thanks. The tower disappears super quick (big’ol’knot) if you bring your hands together. I’m just having trouble plucking the string from the tower before it’s gone. lol. I’ll get it.
Try to pull it apart mainly using your thumb while keeping the same distance between your hands. This should help

I’m not the OP, but I’m finding this all very helpful since I’m having the same issues… regardless, still a super fun trick, thanks for the tut @MrPaul_k!
Thanks a lot Jason! You’re the man!